Kef B200 SP1256 woofers - repair kit foam surrounds

Refoam the woofers in your loudspeakers. 4 x 8"A-SX + 4 x 3"KF + 3 x glue + 3 x brush

Kef B200 SP1256 woofers - repair kit foam surrounds
€ 89.72 76.98 *Prices include VAT *Prices include VAT
Article code8inchkef104C
For KEF RR104/2 - KEF RR105/3: These are the right flexible surrounds and donuts. Real professional reconers would never use very inflexible surrounds and donuts. This for inflexible surrounds plus inflexible donuts give a high resonance frequency and a poor bass of the speaker.
Below the resonance frequency there is not much bass to find! Choose real quality, not surrounds with a lot of verbal crap to increase marketing and sales. See also:

Some of the models that use this foam include :

KEF 104, 104-2, 104/2, 104 2, 105-3, 105/3, 105 3, B-200, B200, B 200, SP-1236, SP1236, SP 1236, SP-1232, SP1232, SP 1232, SP-1256, SP1256, SP 1256, etc.

We have the best industrial glue, not the cheap glue other ‘professional’ users use. We got even an independant test of our glue on this link:

Kit includes THE BEST QUALITY foam available.